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Upload Files as Base 64 encoded Strings to API

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:41 pm
by bkromer
Hi there,
I need to upload files to the Parashift API.

In the docs( ... ument.html ) I read that it's possible to send the file as Base64 encoded arrays.
... As an alternative to a list of URLs, files can be delivered as an array of base64 encoded strings...

I have no clue how to make this happen... Can I read the File in with Base64 encoding? Like this: " job.getPath(), "Base64" );"

With the Code below I am getting Status Code 400... bad requests. I guess my code is complete garbage. :|

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function jobArrived( s : Switch, job : Job )
	var pdf = job.getPath(), "Base64" );
	var url = ""; 
	var token = "asdasdadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsasdasdsasdasdasdasdasdasdad";

	var filename = job.getName();
	var theHTTP = new HTTP( HTTP.SSL );
	theHTTP.authScheme = HTTP.OauthAuth;
	theHTTP.authorization = "Bearer "+token;	
	theHTTP.url = url;
	var Body = pdf;
	var postBody = new ByteArray(Body);
	theHTTP.setPostData( postBody,"application/vnd.api+json" );;
	while( !theHTTP.waitForFinished( 3 ) )
	       job.log( 1, "API CALL IN PROGRESS!" );
	if( theHTTP.finishedStatus == HTTP.Ok && theHTTP.statusCode == 200 )
		job.log(1,"API CALL successfull Code: "+theHTTP.statusCode +", RESPONSE: "+theHTTP.getServerResponse().toString( "UTF-8" ));
		job.log(3,"API CALL Failed:  "+theHTTP.getServerResponse().toString( "UTF-8" )+ "  Status Code: "+theHTTP.statusCode.toString( "UTF-8" ));
Can somebody help? :roll: Padawan? :mrgreen:

Re: Upload Files as Base 64 encoded Strings to API

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:55 pm
by bkromer
I also looked to the Enfocus docs. ( ... class.html )
There is this convertTo() method for the ByteArray() function.

But still doesnt work... Status Code 400

Code: Select all

function jobArrived( s : Switch, job : Job )
	var pdf = job.getPath(), "utf-8" );
	var url = ""; 
	var token = "asdadadadasdcasdadsadasd";

	var filename = job.getName();
	var theHTTP = new HTTP( HTTP.SSL );
	theHTTP.authScheme = HTTP.OauthAuth;
	theHTTP.authorization = "Bearer "+token;	
	theHTTP.url = url;
	var postBody = new ByteArray( pdf ).convertTo('Base64');  
	theHTTP.setPostData( postBody,"application/vnd.api+json" );;
	while( !theHTTP.waitForFinished( 3 ) )
	       job.log( 1, "API CALL IN PROGRESS!" );
	if( theHTTP.finishedStatus == HTTP.Ok && theHTTP.statusCode == 200 )
		job.log(1,"API CALL successfull Code: "+theHTTP.statusCode +", RESPONSE: "+theHTTP.getServerResponse().toString( "UTF-8" ));
		job.log(3,"API CALL Failed:  "+theHTTP.getServerResponse().toString( "UTF-8" )+ "  Status Code: "+theHTTP.statusCode.toString( "UTF-8" ));

Re: Upload Files as Base 64 encoded Strings to API

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:02 pm
by freddyp

Code: Select all

var pdf = job.getPath(), "utf-8" );
reads the PDF as a string. Afterwards you convert it to a ByteArray, but then the damage is already done. You can read the file directly as a ByteArray:

Code: Select all

var pdf =  File.readByteArray( job.getPath());

Re: Upload Files as Base 64 encoded Strings to API

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:12 am
by bkromer
Thanks freddyp that makes sense.
Tried it, I also read that I need to post a JSON with the Base64 file in it.

The JSON should look like this:

Code: Select all

  "data": {
    "type": "documents",
    "attributes": {
      "urls": [""],

      // as an alternative to urls:
      "base64_files": ["JVBERi0xLjQNCiWhs8XXDQoxIDAgb2JqDQo8PC9Db3VudC..."]

      "custom_fields": { "customer_id": "1234" },

      "document_type": "receipt",
      "extract_line_items": true
I tried this, but still getting status code 400: :cry:

Code: Select all

function jobArrived( s : Switch, job : Job )
	var theHTTP = new HTTP( HTTP.SSL );
	theHTTP.authScheme = HTTP.OauthAuth;
	theHTTP.authorization = "Bearer asasdasdasdasd";	
	theHTTP.url =""; 
	var postBody = new ByteArray( '{\"data\": {\"type\": \"documents\",\"attributes\": {\"urls\": [],\"base64_files\":'+ File.readByteArray( job.getPath() ) +',\"custom_fields\": {  },\"document_type\": \"receipt\",\"extract_line_items\": true}} } ') ;  
	theHTTP.setPostData( postBody,"application/vnd.api+json" );;
	while( !theHTTP.waitForFinished( 3 ) )
	       job.log( 1, "API CALL IN PROGRESS!" );
	if( theHTTP.finishedStatus == HTTP.Ok && theHTTP.statusCode == 200 )
		job.log(1,"API CALL successfull Code: "+theHTTP.statusCode +", RESPONSE: "+theHTTP.getServerResponse().toString( "UTF-8" ));
		job.log(3,"API CALL Failed:  "+theHTTP.getServerResponse().toString( "UTF-8" )+ "  Status Code: "+theHTTP.statusCode.toString( "UTF-8" ));