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Conditional Actions based on variables

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 6:39 pm
by ckuhlmannHP
Hello All,

I currently use variable sets and actions via pitstop server hot folders. It works out great for when you want to do the same actions with variable input. But what if you wanted to run specific actions only if a variable value equaled some text.


We drop in a multi-page pdf and XML into a pitstop server hot folder. The XML has a variable that describes if the pdf is simplex or duplexed. the goal is to gang simplex and duplex jobs together but my imposition software's "add blank page to simplex" jobs does not work. So, here is where I was hoping I could do a conditional. If the value in the XML is simplex, run the action to add blank pages. if duplex, skip and move on the next action.

We do have Switch, and I am feeling like I may have to use it to handle the conditionals, but was hoping I could stick with just using pitstop.

Thanks for any advice!

Re: Conditional Actions based on variables

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:00 am
by abailescollins
You could do it in Switch, but it's also possible in PitStop Server using a rule variable with a boolean.

You'll need to add the Action to add a blank page into the Preflight Profile, and then use the booelan to turn it on or off.

So basically the XMl value is retrieved, the rule checks if the value in the XML is Simplex or Duplex.
if it's Simplex the Boolean is 'yes"
and that then turns the Add a Blank page Action on, so it adds the blank.

Re: Conditional Actions based on variables

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:14 pm
by ckuhlmannHP
Thanks for the reply.

I ended up going the switch route. but I have an idea now how to setup directly in pitstop.

Thank you!