XMP Inject not updating pdf:Keywords

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XMP Inject not updating pdf:Keywords

Post by franklintempleton »

I am using the XMP inject element to update the pdf:Keywords field in a pdf. This has worked in the past without issues but we are now reprocessing some files and we need to add text such as "updated on : [date field]". I've added all the appropriate information to the element and when I process a file through the flow the Switch Messages indicates that the update to the Keywords was successful and that the correct information was added. However upon opening the file no changes appear to have taken place. Any ideas why this may be happening? Is it because there is already text in this field? Switch 2023 Fall
2024-04-23_14-10-59.png (35.53 KiB) Viewed 856 times
xmp.png (41.93 KiB) Viewed 856 times
No changes to Keywords after processing.
No changes to Keywords after processing.
keywords.png (7.16 KiB) Viewed 856 times
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Re: XMP Inject not updating pdf:Keywords

Post by freddyp »

I could reproduce this and logged it as a bug. As a workaround you can two update rules in "Update XMP", the first one sets pdf:Keywords to an empty value and the second one sets the value.
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Re: XMP Inject not updating pdf:Keywords

Post by franklintempleton »

Thank you for the update. I'll proceed with that method.
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Re: XMP Inject not updating pdf:Keywords

Post by ChrisP »

Hi All,

We have a similar issue. Our client prints final PDF that we have to modify on our end following a certain process. We have realized that we can use Switch to accelerate that process, so we started to work on a solution. We are encountering an issue with the Keywords field. In the PDF from the client, this field already contains content and it needs to be completely replace with another content. We are doing something similar to the Title and Author fields and these get populated properly - note that these are empty at first contrary to the Keywords. Please see Switch_flow.png for the flow which is just one step.

We have tried the method suggested by freddyp, but it didn't work for us. Please see Switch_rules.png. Here is the formula used for the Keywords: [Metadata.Text:Path="pdf:Keywords"][Database.Text:SQL="SELECT Keywords FROM Prep WHERE MFSDocumentName = '[Job.NameProper]'",Connection="VMCH_db"].

However, we have tried with another PDF and it worked.

After looking into the properties of the 2 PDFs, we have noticed that one was created via AntennaHouse and the other is just a SaveAs from Word - see AH_PDF.png (In this PDF the content about ditaval should have been replaced, but that's the part that didn't work) and Word_PDF.png under Application field or even PDF Producer. There is also a difference in the version of the PDFs, 1.5 vs 1.7.

We are wondering now if there are limitations with PDFs or if it's just a bug that needs to be fixed.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Switch_rules.png (47.74 KiB) Viewed 325 times
AH_PDF.png (37.73 KiB) Viewed 325 times
Word_PDF.png (38.26 KiB) Viewed 325 times
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