Flow definition is corrupt: several flow objects have the same internal ID

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Flow definition is corrupt: several flow objects have the same internal ID

Post by PdFUser5000 »

After making some modifications to my flow, i get the following error through the console: Flow definition is corrupt: several flow objects have the same internal ID

What does it mean and how can i find the ID-s to fix the problem?
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Re: Flow definition is corrupt: several flow objects have the same internal ID

Post by Terkelsen »

I'm having the exact same problem right now. Did you ever get an answer to this?
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Re: Flow definition is corrupt: several flow objects have the same internal ID

Post by Terkelsen »

After being led in the right direction by Enfocus Support, I managede to solve the problem.
I opened the xml-file of that specific flow, that couldn't be activated. Searched through the 4878 lines of xml searching for id=" which was found 196 times. I then went through all these occurrences (and NO they ar not in numeric order) and finally found an id that was used twice. Close to the id i the xml I was able to read the actual name of the folder in the flow. I then went back to the flow, located that specific folder, deleted it and replaced it with a new folder. After that I was able to start the flow. Quite some work, but it solved the problem.
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Re: Flow definition is corrupt: several flow objects have the same internal ID

Post by JimmyHartington »

I have used RegEx and BBEdit to extract a certain pattern. Could be like "<id>.+<\id>".
And then using remove duplicates function to leave the one which has duplicates.
Then it is pretty fast to find which ID it is.
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Re: Flow definition is corrupt: several flow objects have the same internal ID

Post by john.scott »

Hi, could you tell me where i can access the xml-file of a specific flow?
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Re: Flow definition is corrupt: several flow objects have the same internal ID

Post by tdeschampsBluewest »

You can access your dataroot (right click on a switch automanaged folder => Copy location), then it's in the "flow" folder at the root path.
Note that flow are not named by their name, but 1.xml, 2.xml..., you'll need to open them to grab the flow name.
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