Hello members!
I'm quite a newbie in these fields, and I'm looking for an explanation about an issue.
My goal is to append two jpeg images into one.
To do so, I installed the Run Command from AppStore using Zsh with the following command:
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/imagemagick/7.1.1-43/bin/magick %%[Job.Path]%/[Job.NestedName:Index="2",Space="trim"] %%/[Job.Path]%%/[Job.NestedName:Index="3",Space="trim"] -append result.jpg
Each time, I receive this error:
Command failed with exit code: "1", Error output: "magick: no decode delegate for this image format `' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/746. "
I tested the same function in the Terminal and it worked fine:
svc_masterbrowser@FLO-MAC-107036 ~ % magick /Users/svc_masterbrowser/Desktop/JUSTDANCE_Inlay_SWITCH_1.jpg /Users/svc_masterbrowser/Desktop/JUSTDANCE_Inlay_SWITCH_2.jpg -append TestAppend.jpg
I'm, then, pretty sure that my syntax is not good in Switch.
Would you be able to explain what?
Many thanks
ImageMagick and Run Command issue with JPEG
ImageMagick and Run Command issue with JPEG
UBISOFT | Axel ROBERT | Senior Manager, Prepress & Quality
Re: ImageMagick and Run Command issue with JPEG
The paths of the input file and output file that you tested in Terminal did not contain spaces. The paths to the backing folders in Switch will, and I think that is your problem. Place quotes around the paths (because there are already double quotes, I would first try with single quotes):
Re: ImageMagick and Run Command issue with JPEG
Hello Freddy!
Thank you for your answer.
I amended it but the result, still an error, is quite different now:
"Command failed with exit code: "1", error ouput: "magick: unable t oopen image. No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3596."
It's the same with a double quote.
Thank you for your answer.
I amended it but the result, still an error, is quite different now:
"Command failed with exit code: "1", error ouput: "magick: unable t oopen image. No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3596."
It's the same with a double quote.

UBISOFT | Axel ROBERT | Senior Manager, Prepress & Quality
Re: ImageMagick and Run Command issue with JPEG
Have you looked at the log messages what is the command Switch exactly tries to execute?

It's typically a good way to see if your command is well constructed and you can even copy/paste in a terminal to double test local vs Switch.
Have you looked at the log messages what is the command Switch exactly tries to execute?

It's typically a good way to see if your command is well constructed and you can even copy/paste in a terminal to double test local vs Switch.
Re: ImageMagick and Run Command issue with JPEG
Hello Loïc!
How are you?
Thank you for your input.
I already tested the cli magick cmd and it works fine.
But in Switch: Command failed with exit code: "1", Error output: "magick: unable to open image '%%/Users/svc_masterbrowser/Documents/Switch Email Template v2/IN_Magick/_000BG_000BG044%/JUSTDANCE_Inlay_SWITCH_1.jpg': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3596. "
svc_masterbrowser@FLO-MAC-107036 ~ % magick /Users/svc_masterbrowser/Desktop/JUSTDANCE_Inlay_SWITCH_1.jpg /Users/svc_masterbrowser/Desktop/JUSTDANCE_Inlay_SWITCH_2.jpg -append TestAppend.jpg
Weird, no? What did I miss, so far?
How are you?
Thank you for your input.
I already tested the cli magick cmd and it works fine.
But in Switch: Command failed with exit code: "1", Error output: "magick: unable to open image '%%/Users/svc_masterbrowser/Documents/Switch Email Template v2/IN_Magick/_000BG_000BG044%/JUSTDANCE_Inlay_SWITCH_1.jpg': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3596. "
svc_masterbrowser@FLO-MAC-107036 ~ % magick /Users/svc_masterbrowser/Desktop/JUSTDANCE_Inlay_SWITCH_1.jpg /Users/svc_masterbrowser/Desktop/JUSTDANCE_Inlay_SWITCH_2.jpg -append TestAppend.jpg
Weird, no? What did I miss, so far?
UBISOFT | Axel ROBERT | Senior Manager, Prepress & Quality