Pitstop Server - fully automated

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Pitstop Server - fully automated

Post by ArielRauch »

I am not with a pre-press or designer background, so my question could be simplifying but:

If I apply the PDF/X-1a profile to an incoming PDF file and given the fact that I have all the fonts an bleed is ok are there any obstacles that might avoid transferring the PDF into a certified one?

Please be patient with me:)


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Pitstop Server - fully automated

Post by freddyp »

There are never any obstacles to creating a certified PDF. The concept of certified PDF means that the preflight settings and results are stored inside the PDF. In that way anybody can check the preflight status of the file without preflighting it. This is valid for files that pass the preflight check as well as for files that do not.

Note that PDF/X-1a does not allow transparencies in the file, so it is advisable to use this in combination with flattening.
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