Switch Hotfolders - general question

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Switch Hotfolders - general question

Post by RunDontStop »

I have been working with Switch for a little while and I have a long way to go to learn all it can do. I have been tasked with setting up flows to increase efficiency.
Of course with Switch it is all about hotfolders. I have set up several flows and the flow start points are often hot folders on a server. Now more and more people are starting to use these hot folders.
My concern is safety and preventing disasters. Switch is extremely powerful. Someone could make an honest mistake, and the result could be very bad. They might accidentally move a folder filled with thousands of files into a hotfolder and the mess would be unimaginable.
What measures should I take to deal with a potential disaster like that? All of a sudden, a huge pool of files could start processing behind the scenes, items being overwritten or deleted. Are there safeguards to keep this from happening?
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Re: Switch Hotfolders - general question

Post by freddyp »

Of course with Switch it is all about hotfolders.
That is not true.Yes, hot folders are used extensively, but with Switch Client you have a much more flexible and intelligent method for submitting files/folders into a flow. The effort of dragging and dropping is basically the same: instead of dragging and dropping between folders you drag and drop onto a web page, but:
  • it is always a copy, there is no risk of accidentally moving files
  • you can configure what file types are allowed
  • you can ask users to add metadata which can increase the level of automation in the flow
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Re: Switch Hotfolders - general question

Post by PdFUser5000 »

You can use the outgoing connection of the Hotfolder to limit the types of files/folders to be processed. When using Submit hierachy for hotfolders there are also Rules you can add for processing folders (or not to process folders at all). Although in these cases the folders accidentaly moved to the hotfolder would just stay there. For fixing this you'd have to create another connection where the wrong files would be routed.
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