Impose Pilot - What does the Function Auto increment pagina and Increment per sheet mean

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Impose Pilot - What does the Function Auto increment pagina and Increment per sheet mean

Post by JuBaz »

Hey all,
I'm trying to set up a Imposition Template with the Impose pilot script. Can anybody explain what the function "Auto increment pagina" and "Increment per sheet" does (see screenshot)? I've tried different settings but the results make no sense to me :?
Any help would be appreciated.
Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-06 um 16.03.41.png
Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-06 um 16.03.41.png (11.86 KiB) Viewed 16609 times
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Re: Impose Pilot - What does the Function Auto increment pagina and Increment per sheet mean

Post by freddyp »

There are several tools that integrate with imposition solutions, so please be a bit more specific about the exact name of the configurator or the app you are using. If it is an app you are using, you may be better off getting in touch with their support: every app has a link or a mail for support purposes.
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Re: Impose Pilot - What does the Function Auto increment pagina and Increment per sheet mean

Post by JuBaz »

Hey, I use the Impose pilot script, v1.55 from impressed, it's not an app. I hope this ist specific enough. Thanks!
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Re: Impose Pilot - What does the Function Auto increment pagina and Increment per sheet mean

Post by freddyp »

If it is something specific from Impressed I guess the answer is easy: contact Impressed. They have a very good support team that will surely be able to help.

As this is an international audience not everybody may be familiar with the name Impressed. They are a long-standing distributor of Enfocus products for the German-speaking region.
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Re: Impose Pilot - What does the Function Auto increment pagina and Increment per sheet mean

Post by MrFox »

Is there a possibility it is something to do with creep? eg the increments for each page could be the amount of creep either as a + or - value?
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