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General workflow/organization for Switch Flows - Building and updating in Production

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:14 pm
by rowen

This is a very general and broad question.
What I'm looking for is some pointers, resources or tips that can help me figure out the best way for the environment I'm working with.

For context, we have a single machine running Switch.

I've been working with Switch for a while, but so far only used it for very specific and small scope tasks or issues.
This means my flows have been relatively small and easy to maintain.

Still, I feel there are some issues already…
Our largest flow has a Submit Point where clients send the jobs to be printed.
If for some reason the Flow needs a fix or a change, it needs to be done when the clients aren't expected to be logging in and sending jobs.

Recently we've started a bigger project at the company, where we'll be receiving orders, processing jobs, sending out statuses or reports…
Which makes sense to be broken down into smaller "atomic" Flows that link to each other.

What I'm struggling with is how to manage and keep testing and updating them once they go into Production.

Should I have a copy of the Flows for testing and improving that I then reproduce or replace on the "Production" Flows?
Perhaps separate the Flows that receive client jobs from the Flows that process it so that jobs can still keep coming in but get held up until a fix is complete?

What have been your experiences managing complex flows?

I'm not very up do date on the Switch workshops, but if there's any sessions you recall that touch on this subject, I'd be grateful if someone could point to them.

Of course there isn't a right answer or a recipe that works for everyone, but if someone could share some experiences, tips or any resources that could help me make a bit more sense of it, I'd be really grateful.
