PDF Page Size on Scaled/Rotated PDF

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PDF Page Size on Scaled/Rotated PDF

Post by haley.rystadt »

I have a switch flow setup to rotate and scale pdfs as necessary to be exactly 8.5 x 11. The original height, width and orientation are saved in the pdf data. The software using the resulting files is picking up on the original specs and using to manipulate file. What is the best way to replace or completely remove the original file details and only include the resulting detail?
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Re: PDF Page Size on Scaled/Rotated PDF

Post by bens »

It sounds like you are changing only one of the page boxes. PDF has 5, of which 3 are possibly relevant here: media box, crop box, and trim box. Most likely the software using the result files is using either the media or crop box, so try to make sure those are the correct size.

In PitStop Server you can use an Action List to set the page boxes to exactly the size you need.
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