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Erase Private Data Tag

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:38 pm
by RunDontStop
This is difficult to explain. I have a need for this.
Assume you have a folder full of files and subfolders. I route top level files to analyze. Subfolder files go elsewhere.
As an example I look at top level files and tag private data, something very simple such as:
Afterwards I reassemble the original folder group and it has that private data tag, which is good, I use "Merge Metadata=Yes", because I want the whole job to have that tag.
After further processing I might have a need to send the group subfolders back through the whole process again, as new jobs of their own. So I dismantle and I do just that, reroute the subfolders to an earlier point in the flow, to be processed separately.
For these new "sub jobs" I end up doing the same thing: top level files go for analysis, subfolder files do not.
For this new sub job I might end up with new private data:
And then I resemble this sub job group in much the same as the original larger group it was once a part of.
My problem is that when regrouped it very well might hang on to the old Private Data:
when in fact for this new "sub job" this old tag value is not true anymore.
I understand why this happens. In the original regroup, I merged metadata. So in the new sub job, if certain files do not get the tag
they of course retain the original LANDSCAPE tag, even though they aren't supposed to be tagged at all.
So I thought about "erasing" the tag, before rerouting the sub job back through. I don't want to do
Because the word "UNKNOWN" constitutes a valid tag of its own, likely to be retained and not help matters at all.
So my question is, does this:
effectively "erase" the tag, preparing it for a new result for the new sub job?
I have done a few simple tests and it seems like this is true, having a blank entry for the tag makes it like it was never tagged in the first place.

Re: Erase Private Data Tag

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:49 pm
by laurentd
I have checked this using the Private Data Extractor app, which can export an xml or attach a dataset with all the job's private data, and I can confirm:
effectively "erases" the tag.

Re: Erase Private Data Tag

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:08 pm
by RunDontStop
This is good news and thank you for confirming.