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Extract Private Data from Archived File

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 5:22 am
by fbtprint

I have two pieces of private data that are added during the flow. The files are later archived. I'm wondering if it's possible to drop the archived files into a flow again and extract the private data that was added in the original flow, so that the files can be routed properly, based on the private data.

Thank you!

Re: Extract Private Data from Archived File

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 6:48 am
by magnussandstrom
I would say it's only possible if the unique prefix is kept in the archived filename and the job is re-presented to Switch within the time frame of your saved 'jobticket data' that is specified in Preferences > Application data > Keep internal job tickets.

Private data is not stored in the file itself but in the Switch database, unless you inject it to the file somehow (efix data or similar).

But maybe there is another way to solve your need?

Re: Extract Private Data from Archived File

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 7:37 pm
by fbtprint
Thanks! I saw Exiftool recommended on some other posts, but I wasn't sure if injecting the data into the file was the best solution, or if there was a simpler option that I wasn't aware of. To be honest I was a little afraid of the learning curve with exif, but it was actually easier than I thought it would be. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

Re: Extract Private Data from Archived File

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 4:50 pm
by laurentd
Exiftool is a great tool, but it can not be used with all kinds of files.

Another solution:
Gather all private data in an XML file, using the Private Data Extractor app, then archive the job + XML.
The XML file can also be stored in the job folder, or you can create one with Archive Hierarchy.

If you need to send the job to a flow again, do so then use the XML Pickup to get your metadata.