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Controlling how far an object is nudged in Pitstop

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 12:59 am
by WeAreCarbon8
Where can I set how far something moves when I nudge it with a cursor click?
I am sure I once stumbled across a place in preferences where you could control how far an object moved when you nudged it, but I can't find it for the life of me now.
Does anyone know how to set this? Is it set by Pitstop or is it an Acrobat option?
Currently my system seems to move things by 1/3mm roughly but I really want to have 1 nudge to move something by a guaranteed 0.5mm
We run a few different versions of Pitstop too so not sure if it was a later addition. Our oldest Pitstop version is 13 but we also run the latest on subscription if that makes any difference.

Re: Controlling how far an object is nudged in Pitstop

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:47 pm
by loicaigon

Not sure if this something you can change but would be happy to be proven wrong. Apart from that if you need precise positioning, you may want to use the Inspector or align options if you want to set a position in regard to another object.


Re: Controlling how far an object is nudged in Pitstop

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 5:23 pm
by bens
Nudging with the arrow keys is based on pixels, and therefore depends on your current zoom level. There is no setting to change the distance. You can however hold the shift key to nudge with bigger steps.

But that doesn't really help you I fear. I think currently the closest to what you want is to use guides in the design layout, and enable "snap to guides" in the preferences.

As Loïc said for precise control the Inspector is the way to go. Note that you can do simple calculations in all the edit fields; for example if an object is at x position 35.24 mm you can simply add "+ 0.5" at the end to move it by half a millimetre, and PitStop will calculate the new 35.74 mm position for you. You can even mix units: "3.14 mm + 5 in" will convert 5 inch to mm and add them automatically.

Re: Controlling how far an object is nudged in Pitstop

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:27 am
by WeAreCarbon8
Ok thanks so much for your suggestions. That's a shame that it can't be 'known' or controlled but I didn't know about the pixels and zoom level.
I will look at the Inspector angle and typing it into there.

Re: Controlling how far an object is nudged in Pitstop

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 6:07 pm
by CruzinCooler
You can also create a "move" action and dial in exactly how much you want it to move. I have quite a few of theses actions built with measurements I'm constantly adjusting art or in most cases the entire page contents, for instance if the page is offset to close to the edge on one side.

Re: Controlling how far an object is nudged in Pitstop

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:41 am
by WeAreCarbon8
This is a great suggestion, never thought about an action for this. But will try that as well.
Thanks so much CruzinCooler.