Really just one copy active at once?

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Really just one copy active at once?

Post by DIGURU »

Hi Is it really only possible to have once licensed copy active at once?
Even Adobe conceeded many years ago to allow a copy on desktop and laptop for example.

I understand your policy, but for instance with the recent Acrobat bug (still to be fixed?) viewtopic.php?t=4764 Pitstop became totally broken on our 'live' acrobat Mac (Acrobat quitting when i tried to access any pitstop function) so I had to install it on a secondary Mac but it had a very dire warning of "you can only do this once a month"!!

Firstly, calendar month? 30 days from this action? What?
Secondly, WHFT? WHY!

So now I seem to have got acrobat & pitstop working again on our main "live" mac (atleast acrobat doesnt quit when I launch a pitstop feature from within it), but of course the license isnt active and im worried to try to make it active because what if it is infact still broken? Do we loose pitstop entirely?

Anyway, this seems liek a ludicrous state of affairs. Even if i cant install it on 2 machines (again I understand your licence) it seems untenable that we cant just go between machines with the once license as we wish.

Can you help?
Can I reactivete pitstop on the main machine?
If acrobat/pitstop is stil borked can i reactivate it on our backup Mac? Its someones daily used Mac so we have to interrupt them to use pitstop.
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Re: Really just one copy active at once?

Post by DIGURU »


Nothing to say Enfocus?
No help?

Can I now safely re activate pitstop on our live Mac?
Or if for some reason the install is still broken (Acribat crashing) will we be unable to reactive it on the backup machine due to this odd, non-specific "only 1 activation per month" thing.

Or you know, just let us have it live on 2 machines for exactly such instances
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Re: Really just one copy active at once?

Post by loicaigon »

Hi Diguru,

Thanks for your post.It is true that from a contractual standing point, a license can be activated on one machine. You can decide to move this licence to a different seat but it requires deactivating this license on the first computer. Of course, hard crashes can happen where you can't deactivate your license. This is where you can ask for remote deactivation from MyEnfocus.

Then your question is, why the "One time per month only"? Well, first of all, if you were very unlucky and face a second hard crash during that month, Enfocus will obviously help you. But you will need to ask support (or your reseller if you have one) and it will give us an opportunity to understand what are your exact troubles. We also need as a vendor to keep a close eye on any abuses and that means setting some limits even if in your case, they could seem extreme. But once again, we won't let any customers down if their issue is authentic.

The other question is why can't I activate my key on two machines at same time? That is once again how our EULA define the use of PitStop. If you really need to go back and forth with two machines, your only option is indeed to deactivate/reactivate license between machines through the Log In dialog. You also have floating licenses that could serve the purpose of sharing access to PitStop accross multiple seats but it starts at 5 seats and computers need to be on the same network. Or you can use a remote connection to the computer using PitStop, it's really up to you.

We do not have plans to allow a licence to be used on two computers at the moment (except for floating licences that I spoke about).

Loïc Aigon
PitStop Product Manager
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Re: Really just one copy active at once?

Post by DIGURU »

Thanks yes I apreciate that is how the license works (1 copy active at once), it is very restrictive to flexibitlty but is what it is

The month between switching activcations does seem to me to be MUCH more unreasonable, especially as that is still just ONE copy active.

Anyway that asides, so what happens in reality if I try to reactivate pitstop on our main Mac and Im still having problems?
Can I reactivate the current machine?
Who do I contact?
How long does this take?
Youll apprechiate I dont wish to be left with no usable pitstop for any time whatsoever, hence my somewhat frustration at this seemingly arbitrary 1 month period.

Weve paid for pitstop on the enfocus site, so thres no reseller? Its all you guys?
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Re: Really just one copy active at once?

Post by loicaigon »


Re; "I understand your policy, but for instance with the recent Acrobat bug (still to be fixed?)". We actually provided a fix yesterday. You should have received our communication with the link to get the installer. If not found, check in Spams folder and if not found anywhere, then it leads to the second point.

Your main point of contact with an active subscription will be the support in any cases.

"if it is infact still broken? Do we loose pitstop entirely?", No it's fixed now and you should see your inbox as previously mentioned.
Hope that helps,

" Can I reactivete pitstop on the main machine?" You can always reactivate a license as long as it's not activated on a different computer. If you cannot deactivate on an existing machine, use MyEnfocus for remote deactivation or contact support.

"If acrobat/pitstop is stil borked can i reactivate it on our backup Mac?", I invite you to install Hotfix, you should be fine afterwards.

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Re: Really just one copy active at once?

Post by DIGURU »

Thank. you for your responses

Yes I have the hotfix installed and am ready to activate it.

Im just wary because of the time delay in any support responses and simply allowing easy swapping of licenses between 2 machines in dire cases would make all this so much more simple and less worriesome.

Ill wait until were less busy to swap back to the main machine but tbh Im not feeling very reasuured that we wont have downtime (whcih we cannot have) if there are problems.
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Re: Really just one copy active at once?

Post by DIGURU »

Ok, lovely that you guys havent replied yet

Anyway, so Ive just managed to move it back to our main machine, but FYI the experince is LESS that enjoyable.

Used the enfocus site to sign out of the secondary mac
signed into enfocus on the new mac in acrobat
various less than clear complaints from the enfocus software about it needing tio be activated or something
signed out again onwebaite with 'emergrency once a month dire warnings'
signed back in on the mac and it sems ok
no way to call you guys and get it up and running if it fails

I mean, just FYI this is mission critical sw and i find this system thoroughyl fruastraiting and bafflign in its dire warnings about 'emergency' sign outs (whatever that is)
Please, just let us sign out and in as needed between machines
Ahgain i understaned your desire to cover your precious licenses etc but its just too much friciton.

Fingers crossed this is OK now as i darent think what were supposed to do if it fails again with in the next precious emergnecy month and I need to go back to the otehr mac.

a phone no would be helpful - or 24 chat *not bot* help
Last edited by DIGURU on Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Really just one copy active at once?

Post by DIGURU »

Im frankly suprised you cant appreciate how frustraiting this is

Its quite aggressivly user unfriendly and quite the opaque system to move licesnes between machines (even ignoriing the pasive agressively toned 'you can only do this once a month' frankly bizzare warning).

It makes it activly concerning when the prospect of having to move machien comes up. Its not soemting we desire to do anyway but the system to do this leaves a bitter taste
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Re: Really just one copy active at once?

Post by loicaigon »


I do understand once again your concerns and frustration. I can only suggest that you get in touch with Support so that at least, your problem is internally logged. Let me remind you that the forum here is mostly community-driven.

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Re: Really just one copy active at once?

Post by DIGURU »

loicaigon wrote: Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:13 am Hi,

I do understand once again your concerns and frustration. I can only suggest that you get in touch with Support so that at least, your problem is internally logged. Let me remind you that the forum here is mostly community-driven.

Thanks loicaigon
Official representatives monitor this foum though surely?

This'd be why enfocus really need online chat support so theres MINIMAL delay in responding to s/w issues.
That was my biggest worry as the process of moving the license from one machine to the other seemed to fail and I had NO active machines.
Then to repeat because its important - the dire "one month before you can do this again warning".

Not impressed tbh.
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Re: Really just one copy active at once?

Post by loicaigon »

Official representatives monitor this foum though surely?
Forum is not an "official" point of contact so while many of us in the company regularly monitor the forum and try to assist, you shouldn't take for granted that you will get support from us though the forum. For critical matters, you should definitively go through support.

Live chat is an interesting idea and we are always looking at how to improve the experience of working with our products. But at the moment, your best option would be to opt for Premium support.

If interested, I suggest you get in touch with us and ask to be put in touch with me so that I can further assist.

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Re: Really just one copy active at once?

Post by DIGURU »

the issue though is that i had absolutely no way to get in touch of someone quickly if the license tranfer failed and the 'one month' dire warning thing gives me no confidence

stop that really odd practice and the issue largely goes away as Ill have absolutely no worries about moving the (paid for) license between machines if something goes wrong .

As youre clearly "in the company" ill let you escalate my conscerns yourself. I shouldnt need to do this really, you can see from this thread what my issues/worries are - just pass that on.
Live chat is an interesting idea and we are always looking at how to improve the experience of working with our products. But at the moment, your best option would be to opt for Premium support.
Err is as it implies "Premium support" some sort of extra payment tier for more immediate supprt? If so that is awful.
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