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Apply Private Data To A Path

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 7:57 pm
by ACPNick
Hoping this is an easy one.

I currently use a Script Expression and Dropdown in the Checkpoint Metadata Fields that gives me a live list of what is inside a folder. I just need to add the Variable (Which is set as Private Data "EmailedFolderName") to the end so I can see the files inside that one folder.

I use

const masterFolderPath = "X:/FileStorage/POs Nick/FTP Downloads";
const masterFolderDir = new Dir( masterFolderPath );

const templates = masterFolderDir.entryList( "*", Dir.Dirs|Dir.NoDotAndDotDot, Dir.Name ).join("\n");

I need there to be the private data variable addition to every path after /FTP Downloads
so last part would be the private data


I am not sure when to declare the variable and apply it to the path.
Hope this makes sense.

Kind regards