Search for Flows in Designer

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Search for Flows in Designer

Post by magnussandstrom »

Hi all!

Is there a way to filter out only flows that are using a specific app?

Let's say I update to the latest version of the app named ABC123 and want to filter out all flows that are using the app ABC123 to update some parameters.

I often rename the name of my flow elements because of structure, so the flow element name for app ABC123 might be something else.

When I filter I don't want to see any flows containing the word ABC123 if it's not contains the app with that element type/app.

Maybe this should be a feature request: To be able to search for 'element type' in the flow search bar.
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Re: Search for Flows in Designer

Post by WDBonline »

Hey Magnus,

what I personally find really handy is to document every flow and assemble these html's.
How to document flows: ... ation.html

These are searchable within desktop/finder and should give you a nice overview of all the flows.

If you need more options (like regex) You can also use BBedit or Notepad++ to search for text in those multiple html-files.
Example/search for text: Element type</td><td class="element-field field-value">App-name

Hope this helps.
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Re: Search for Flows in Designer

Post by sander »

I'm using the notepad++ method too, however not with the html files. Instead I search the flow xml's.

Not the most elegant way, but using this trick for some time now :)

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Re: Search for Flows in Designer

Post by magnussandstrom »

Yes, I know there are some workarounds. I use FileLocator Pro for similar tasks. But if you could search for 'Element type' in designer the problem would be solved. I have filed a feature request to Enfocus now (ENFFR-3221).
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Re: Search for Flows in Designer

Post by sander »

I have been using Switch for so long now that I think I've become a bit set in my ways in some things. I just noticed this haha :mrgreen:

Both json pickups are found this way, enable names and values at the bottom:
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Re: Search for Flows in Designer

Post by magnussandstrom »

'Element property names' is not the same as 'Element type'. Selecting only 'Element property names' or ' Element property values' won't necessary filter out only flows that contains the specific app. What I request is an easy and reliable way to filter out flows using a specific app, nothing more nothing less.
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