Certificate Errors within Switch : FYI

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Certificate Errors within Switch : FYI

Post by NEOSA »

Hi All@Forum,

We discovered an issue this week (Ticket ENF-00209206) with certificates error given by Switch (Windows Version, 2023 Fall).

First of all, Switch wasn't able to login to the AppStore, with this message :

Code: Select all

Impossible d'établir la connexion à l'Enfocus Appstore : Error: unable to verify the first certificate
Enfocus Support thought it was a firewall issue, but the outgoing traffic was allow.

We did a couple of checks, antivirus was removed (as asked by the Support), Server reboot : situation came back to normal.

BUT, today, we received a customer call, for errors with the GoogleSheet Connect App, with a similar message :

request to https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token failed, reason: unable to verify the first certificate FetchError: request to https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token failed, reason: unable to verify the first certificate at ClientRequest.

This server has also an antivirus, but remove it for now not scheduled...

Enfocus Support received also severals calls for the same error message.

Antivirus used for both customers is ESET Advanced Enpoint, Release (Build 11.0.2044.0)

Please advise us by replying to this topic if you met this behaviour.

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