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InDesign Server Configurator issue

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:01 pm
by loicaigon
Hi all,

I am trying to use the InDesign Server CS6 configurator with Switch 12u1. Even a simple go through flow raises an error :

Erreurs possibles dans AppleScript : la commande '/usr/bin/arch -i386 osascript /tmp/SWITCH_applescript__1ce4ae00' a renvoyé l'avertissement '/tmp/SWITCH_applescript__1ce4ae00:236:248: execution error: Expected end of line_ etc. but found “script”. (-2741) '

Waiting for partner support feedback but in the meanwhile if any one of you faced that same issue and solved it somehow, I will be enjoyed to hear the solution :D

Best regards,


InDesign Server Configurator issue

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:25 pm
by dkelly
I've seen this type of problem a lot but it's usually after a period of running. We think that Applescript engine is failing causing Switch to fail.

Are you running on OS X 10.9?

InDesign Server Configurator issue

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:06 pm
by loicaigon
Hi Dwight,

Thanks for the interest. Nope I am on 10.7.5.



InDesign Server Configurator issue

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:39 pm
by mkis

we have the same problem, after a period of running, InDesign and Photohop are not responsing any more.

You'll have to bring them to front by manually clicking on the doc icon and then they are running again.

We use switch 12u2 on MaxOSX 10.9.x

Is that problem known by enfocus?

Best regards,
