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Paste trim size after imposition of the size of orginal card

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:01 pm
I have a 50 * 90 mm business card

And I want to duplicate it so that it goes into the page (through the "Quite imposing" plug-in).

After the duplication I created a new sheet with 20 tickets,

I want the top corner of the sheet to say "trim size"

So that the employee who cuts the cards knows what final size he needs to cut it.

How can I do it?

Quite Imposing is removing the art/bleed/trim boxes and setting the media/crop boxes to the new imposed size.

It's clear to me that I can always type manually.
but I'm looking for an automated script/action list

It is important to emphasize that each time the size of the card varies from work to work.

Attached file with the target.


Re: Paste trim size after imposition of the size of orginal card

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:19 am
by Padawan
There might be a way to set in the template that you want the final trimsize printed on the template. But I don't know Quite Imposing, so I can't help with that.

A way you could do it is:`
Remember the trimbox dimensions of the incoming PDF in private data or the jobstate
Do the imposition
Use PitStop Server to place the text from private data or jobstate on the pdf. You can do this using the "Add object" Action and setting the text to be added via variables.

Re: Paste trim size after imposition of the size of orginal card

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 6:55 pm
by Zoranj
Padawan's method should work fine.
If you want to do it with Quite Hot Imposing, you can be creative and first rename your file/page to add dimensions, than use "Stick on Text" in Quite Hot Imposing and pull field "File Name Short".

I hope this helps

Re: Paste trim size after imposition of the size of orginal card

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 10:49 am
by vernonvd
what i do is after quite hot impo is done run a action list "set trimbox to trim marks" then you can ad the text outside the trimbox.