Barcode with inceasing number that applies to odd pages only

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Barcode with inceasing number that applies to odd pages only

Post by zurek »

hi guys,

i'm looking for a way to add barcodes on all odd pages that (on top of other values) has an inceasing value n+1, starting with 1.
result i'm aiming for:
page 1 = barcode xxxxx0001
page 2 = nothing
page 3 = barcode xxxxx0002
page 4 = nothing
page 5 = barcode xxxxx0003
page 6 = nothing
page 7 = barcode xxxxx0004
page 8 = nothing
and so on

any idea how to achieve that?
this will be used as pitstop element in switch with mixture of: switch variables + fixed numbers + pitstop variables like %Page Number%
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Re: Barcode with inceasing number that applies to odd pages only

Post by loicaigon »


A possible option would be to create a dummy document (you could insert a 1 page blank PDF document). Then set page boxes and add pages in a way that you end up with the reference document page count /2.
For ex: if the job pdf is 48pages, you create a 24 pages pdf.
Then you add barcodes to this 24 pages document. So you have barcodes from page 1 to 24 using %Page Number% as a variable.
Next, you simply select odd pages and add 1 blank pages after each odd pages.
When completed, you can overlay that dummy PDF to your job PDF and have the barcodes on the odd pages with a sequential value.
Note that yes you need a switch flow.

If someone has a better option, would love to hear it.
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Re: Barcode with inceasing number that applies to odd pages only

Post by zurek »

Hi Loic,
The way i've figured this out after all:
QI splits pdf into two pdfs with only odd and only even pages, I run action on odd pages and then Callas is splitting pdf into separate pages named <firstpage>0 for odd and <fistpage>1 for even. Merge PDF is merging them in alphabetical order so final file is same as input file.
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Re: Barcode with inceasing number that applies to odd pages only

Post by Terkelsen »

I'm not sure I understand why you need all that splitting and merging? If you already have an action that places the desired barcode couldn't you just start that action by "Select Pages" and select every Nth page (select every 2 page starting form 1 to )?
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