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Flow for Preflighting InDesign files

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 12:55 am
by Sean IO
I am sure several of you have ran into this issue and have come up with a solution. To preflight an InDesign file a PDF needs to be exported in order for Pitstop to preflight it. The problem is if an image or font is missing it is not reflected on the PDF or preflight (unless I am missing something). The font gets substituted and the image is the low res proxy. I know I can set it up to stop/fail when it runs in to this problem but I want it to report the missing fonts and images (kind of defeats the purpose of an automated workflow).

My question is how is everyone else handling this issue? As of right now I am thinking of three potential ways to with scripting, text files, and XML.

--Have InDesign export it's own preflight as a text file and parse the data to be added later to the Pitstop report (I have created a custom preflight report)

--Have InDesign export it's own preflight report as a PDF then export the PDF as XML and combine later with the Pitstop report

--Have a javascript pull the info from InDesign and add it later to the Pitstop report

Is there a more sophisticated way to achieve this or am I on the right track here?


Re: Flow for Preflighting InDesign files

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:15 am
by Zoranj
You can fail it if it does not have font or image is low-res.
In my solution I just took fail connection and emailed it to whoever submitted it in the flow (email from submit point).

Re: Flow for Preflighting InDesign files

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:30 am
by Malcolm Mackenzie
If you use Indesign to recreate the package it will list any missing fonts or images in the xml report.
Screenshot 2019-02-19 09.29.07.png
Screenshot 2019-02-19 09.29.07.png (30.68 KiB) Viewed 6960 times
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FlowElementName>Adobe InDesign</FlowElementName>
<Name>1234_missing test Folder</Name>
<StatusMessage>FontsFail: Unavailable fonts were found in the document; ImagesFail: Unavailable images were found in the document</StatusMessage>
<Image>Bullet proof pdf.jpg</Image>

Re: Flow for Preflighting InDesign files

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 4:43 am
by Sean IO
Thanks Malcom,

Your suggestion seems more conventional. I had no idea you could repackage InDesign files from Switch. I will give it a spin and see what happens.

Re: Flow for Preflighting InDesign files

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 4:43 am
by Sean IO
Thanks Malcom,

Your suggestion seems more conventional. I had no idea you could repackage InDesign files from Switch. I will give it a spin and see what happens.

Re: Flow for Preflighting InDesign files

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 4:43 am
by Sean IO
Thanks Malcom,

Your suggestion seems more conventional. I had no idea you could repackage InDesign files from Switch. I will give it a spin and see what happens.